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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Anal Flesh - Eating Human Remains

Full-length, Self-Released

1. Intro
2. Eating Human Remains
3. Degradation
4. Hope is Gone
5. The Deepest Fear
6. Motherfucker with a Chainsaw
7. Skinned Alive
8. Slaughter
9. Rotting in the Sun
10. Spiritually Dead
11. Sickfuck

Origin: Arica, Chile
Genre: Death Metal
Websites: www.myspace.com/analflesh

Debut release of sick chilean 4-piece outfit.

Mediafire link

Originally uploaded by rot

This material has been uploaded with the permission of the band. Please do post your comments below.


Carschkett said...

Link is down :(

Anonymous said...

try this links

rot said...

we had some temporary issues... link is up now

Carschkett said...

Thank you!