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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Scanner Smashed Face - Blue Screen Of Death

Full-length, Self-released
January 8th, 2013

1. Blue Screen of Death
2. Scanner Smashed Face
3. Corpse Cabinet
4. Foetus in the Stuffing Machine
5. Call Centre Autopsy
6. Stapletits
7. Head in a Water Cooler
8. Fire Drill Death Stampede
9. Hung From a Tie
10. Deadly Spreadsheet Malfunction
11. Deadly Manager Encounter
12. Murder King Lunchtime Brutality
13. Office Chair Death Race
14. Hard Drive Soft Skull
15. Genital Shredder
16. Super Fun Teambuilding Fun Day
17. Rapeler
18. Ctrl Alt Kill
19. Car Pool of Blood
20. Foul Xerox Infestation
21. Painful Paperclip Insertion
22. Deadly Manager Encounter Part 2: Hellfired

Origin: Oxford, UK
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/ScannerSmashedFace

"*** STOP: 0x000001D1 (OxC000005, Ox92F27DCF, 0x99978968)
A problem has been detected with your musical tastes and you
have been shut down to prevent damage to yourself and others.


If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,
please try again, but listening to something heavier. If this
screen appears again, follow these steps:

Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable
instrument options such as trumpets, violins or stupid
autotuned singing.

Make sure that your instruments are set to 'BRUTAL

Technical information:

*** members.sys - Adress 92F27DCF, DateStamp 49431a3f
(Mark "Skullwheel" Butler - Drums, Bass, Vocals)
(Jason "Killputer" Harper - Guitars)"

Mediafire link

Originally uploaded by rot

This material has been uploaded with the permission of the band. Please do post your comments below.

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