EP, Self-Released
September 2014
1. Kha'laam
2. Mangled Icons
3. Vocatvs
Origin: Bruges, Belgium
Genre: Death/Doom Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/gatewaydeathdoom
"Gateway was born somewhere in the medieval depths of Bruges, Belgium and exists as a one-man project lead by Robin Van Oyen.
Firmly rooted in death and doom metal, Gateway aims to create a vast wall of sound with slabs of drone and sludge. A bleak mausoleum filled with sluggish, monumental riffage and horrendous growls that echo beyond it’s desolate walls. Gateway puts heavy emphasis on bulldozing death metal grooves influenced by the old school likes of Cianide, Winter and Rippikoulu while cranking up the low-end sounds as heard in lingering sludge and doom.
Slow, heavy and rotten..."
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DMI features only demo/promo/album material received directly from bands/labels or material which is already freely available on popular streaming platforms. If you wish to promote your band here please send a mail to: deathmetal.invader@gmail.com
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Gateway - Aeternae
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9:12 AM
Amoklauf - Mournful Prophecies Of A Dying World
EP, Self-Released
September 16th, 2014
1. Techniques Of Self Destruction
2. Scattered Remains
3. Mournful Prophecies Of A Dying World
Origin: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/amoklauf
Argentinian 4-piece act with latest EP.
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9:12 AM
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Diaclast - Sea Slaughter
EP, Self-Released
August 26st, 2014
1. Intro
2. Sea Slaughter
3. Aeons of Burning Dead
4. Tons of Fester
Origin: Yekaterinburg, Russia
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/diaclast
"Diaclast was formed in November 2007 in Ekaterinburg, Russia.
We do have our own vibe and we are influenced by old-school death metal and death metal with modern technical influences, some of them are: Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Origin, Defeated Sanity, etc."
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2:02 AM
Baalsebub - Procedure Of Emasculation
Single, Self-Released
August 5th, 2014
1. Procedure Of Emasculation
Origin: Tallinn, Estonia
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/pages/Baalsebub/360917120665252
"Medieval brutal execution from Estonia, ruthless brutality in the best traditions of unique Brodequin style! Debut album coming 2015!"
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1:52 AM
Baalsebub - The Great Plague
EP, Self-Released
October 31st, 2013
1. Death by Boiling
2. Disemboweled Child
3. The Crank Wheel
4. The Great Plague
Origin: Tallinn, Estonia
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/pages/Baalsebub/360917120665252
Debut EP of Estonian medieval brutal slam outfit.
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1:52 AM
Friday, September 12, 2014
The Brood - The Brood
Demo, Self-Released
July 18th, 2014
1. Foofy Pussy
2. Descending Into Madness
3. Lobotomized
4. One By One
5. Repeated Slaughter Of The Undead Cunt
Origin: London, UK
Genre: Grindcore
Website: www.facebook.com/TheBroodUK
"Grindcore from London!
Fast as a zombie from World War Z, aggressive as a Sumatran rat-monkey and catchy as norovirus."
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4:02 AM
Carnal Necrosis - Demo 2014
Demo, Self-Released
September 6th, 2014
1. Fields Of The Impaled
2. Putrefied In Existence
3. Seeds Of Inhumanity
Origin: Victorville, CA, USA
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/carnalnecrosis
"We are a death metal band from the high desert CA. We formed in October 2013 and are currently working on writing, recording, and producing enough songs to get our name and our sound out there for people to hear so that we can also start playing shows and making a bigger name for ourselves. We hope you guys enjoy our music!"
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4:02 AM
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
In Demise - The Just War
Demo, Self-Released
August 31st, 2014
1. Cursed Words
2. Just War
Origin: Berlin, Germany
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/In-Demise
Berlin's technical 5-piece outfit with two promo tracks from upcoming full-lenght to be released in 2015.
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5:11 AM
Contorted Mind - Spirit Departure
Single, Self-Released
September 1st, 2014
1. Spirit Departure
Origin: Leiden, Netherlands
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/contortedmindband
"Contorted Mind is a five-piece brutal death metal band from the Netherlands. They create fast-paced brutal death metal with technical and slam influences."
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4:57 AM
Büried To Røt - Carnal Flesh Horror
EP, Self-Released
August 14th, 2014
1. Doomed By The Entombed
2. Carnal Flesh Horror
3. Embalmed In Death
4. The Day Man Lost (Carnage cover)
Origin: Karlstad, Sweden
Genre: Death Metal/Punk
Website: www.facebook.com/BuriedToRot
"Three guys who just want to play raw, simple, downtuned death-punk with infantile gore lyrics, inspired by old-school death, grind and raw-punk!
Anyone want live show? Just send us an e-mail!"
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4:57 AM
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Display Of Decay - Outbreak Of Infection
EP, Self-Released
August 26th, 2014
1. Born of Rot
2. Manchurian Candidate
3. Praise the Gore
4. Outbreak of Infection
5. Black Diamond
Origin: Edmonton, Canada
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/DisplayofDecayOfficial
"'Outbreak Of Infection', a mid-paced slab of brutality in the vein of Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, and Nile. Showing they wear their influences on their sleeves, this trio also sounds nothing like the aforementioned bands at times, their own sound gleaming vile from the pile of corpses they wear."
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8:50 AM
Decaying - New Order 2014
EP, Self-Released
August 26th, 2014
1. New Order (2014)
2. The Ardennes Offensive (live)
3. The Aftermath (live)
4. Initiation & Operation Citadel (live)
Origin: Helsinki, Finland
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/Decayingofficial
"Track 1 is an outtake from 'One To Conquer' album recording sessions. The song initially appeared on the first Decaying demo 'New Order' in 2010 and full-lenght 'Devastate' in 2011.
Tracks 2-4 were peformed 3rd of May 2014 at Sture 21, Helsinki Finland."
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3:50 AM
Friday, August 22, 2014
Organ Dealer - Demo 2014
Demo, Self-Released
July 31st, 2014
1. Consumed
2. Pear of Anguish
Origin: New Jersey, NJ, USA
Genre: Death/Grind
Website: www.facebook.com/OrganDealer
5-piece death/grind outfit with a demo, check'em out!
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Posted by
8:37 AM
Vertigo Index - Posthuman v1.1
EP, Self-Released
August 7th, 2014
1. The New Tomorrow
2. No Fate But What We Make
3. Posthuman Decline
4. Mother Boxx
5. Chrono Distorter
6. Head In The Mushroom Clouds
Origin: Columbus, OH, USA
Genre: Grindcore
Website: www.facebook.com/vertigoindex
Debut EP of "Fast Ugly Grindcore" trio straight from Columbus, Ohio. A must-check for Discordance Axis maniax.
Mediafire link
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8:36 AM
Monday, August 18, 2014
Prophecy - N.R.W.
Single, Prophecy Records
June 2014
1. N.R.W.
Origin: Fort Worth, TX, USA
Genre: Death Metal
Websites: www.facebook.com/PROPHECY.TX
New crushing single track of TXDM long-runners! Support them!
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Posted by
12:34 PM
Cannibal Ferox - Cannibal Ferox
EP, Self-Released
August 8th, 2014
1. Hallado cadáver con evidencias de estrangulamiento
2. Ciénaga
3. Muerte por disentería
4. Horror entre la niebla
5. El jorobado de la morgue
Origin: Valencia, Spain
Genre: Death/Grind
Website: www.facebook.com/cannibalferoxgrind
Spanish death/grind trio with 2014 promo EP.
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12:33 PM
Friday, August 08, 2014
Anacryptic - Of Infamy And Pride
EP, Self-Released
July 2014
1. Detrimental Manipulation
2. Hypocrisy of the Civilized
3. Pilgrimort
4. Systematically Abducted
5. Self-Indulged Conformity
Origin: Medellín, Colombia
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: http://www.facebook.com/anacrypticmetal
"Anacryptic is a Technical Brutal Death Metal band born in Medellin (Colombia) in 2012. We are currently recording our first self-produced EP which we'll be releasing by September this year. Our songs are characterized by the use fast paced drums; blast beats and agressive double basses. As for our guitar writing, you can perceive a concept of musical architecture and disonances that complement rythms in minor scales, in pursuit of a hostile ambiance for the listener. Our lyrics are leaned towards condemning the political and religious controls upon which society is based."
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2:06 PM
Thursday, August 07, 2014
Essence Beyond - Carnivalism
EP, Self-Released
June 20th, 2014
1. 0
2. Ceremonial Act
3. Assimilation
4. W
5. Valley of Defilement
Origin: Athens, Greece
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/essencebeyond
4-piece brutal outfit from Greece with their debut EP.
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Posted by
5:22 AM
Asphyxiator - Promo 2014
Demo, Self-Released
June 21st, 2014
1. Hallucinogenic Cadaver Autopsy
2. Slamming Sexual Domination
Origin: Chicago, IL, USA
Genre: Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore
Website: www.facebook.com/AsphyxiatorSlam
2 new promo trax from upcoming release "Inhaling Fluids Of Thoracentesis". Check out those sickos!
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5:22 AM
Visceral Hatred - Posthumous Of The Extirpated Cadavers
Full-length, Self-Released
August 6th, 2014
1. Slammed on the Slaughterhouse Floor
2. Excrement Filled Paedogoretopsy
3. Cerebral Groovitis
4. Quadriplegic Analgesic Executions
5. Incest Then Deflesh
6. Jackhammer Sphincter Removal
7. Putrid Leakings of Unknown Bodily Fluids
8. Hollowed Out Corpse Used As a Gimp Suit
Origin: New York, UK
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/visceralhatreddeath
"Visceral Hatred's 4th album features even more dumbed-down brutal guttural slam!
This is also the first release featuring non-programmed drums!"
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5:22 AM
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Necrocadaveric Vomit - Necrocadaveric Vomit
Full-length, Self-Released
June 21th, 2014
1. Putrid Flesh
2. Quemado Vivo
3. Armies Of The Zombies
4. Sindrome De Repulsion
5. Tortured & Impaled
6. Instinto Asesino
7. Violada & Mutilada
8. Progenie Del Caos
9. Escoria
10. Necrovomito
11. Devorada En Vida Por Cuerpos Putrefactos
Origin: Paraná, Argentina
Genre: Death/Grind
Website: www.facebook.com/Necrocadaveric.Vomit
5-piece (2 vox!) Argentinian death/grind act with debut album. Gorerotted supporters should check it out!
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11:16 AM
Sunday, August 03, 2014
Coffin Birth - Necrotic Liquefaction
EP, Self-Released
July 31st, 2014
1. Mushroom Cloud
2. Pixelated Beyond Recognition
3. Stagnant Stench
4. Diplomatic Immunity
5. 101 Steps to Avoid Becoming a Martyr
6. Cousin Kissers
7. Guilt Ridden Erosion
8. The Ripping and the Tearing
9. Avian Anthrax Terror Attack
Origin: Brisbane, Australia
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore
Website: www.facebook.com/coffinbirthgrind
Nine death/grind hits straight from Australia, their 2nd EP.
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Posted by
9:01 AM
Fibroma - Fibroma
Full-length, Self-Released
August 2nd, 2014
1. Reap What You Sow
2. Devouring Uterine Remains
3. Eye's Fluid
4. Human Butchery
5. Zozobra
6. Blood Clot in a Cranial Cavity
7. Sewing to the Flesh Death
8. A Cult from Ashes
9. Covenant of Mercy
10. Wormld
11. Rotten Angel
Origin: Quilmes, Argentina
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/fibroma
After demo and some splits, Argentinian brutal trio came out with their debut full-length release. Intense stuff, check'em out!
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9:01 AM
Ruinant - EP 2014
EP, Self-Released
August 1st, 2014
1. Non-Euclidean Geometry
2. Celestial Chirality
3. Lucid Cerebral Ablation
4. Inexorable Brutality
Origin: Nelson, New Zealand
Genre: Technical/Brutal/Progressive Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/Ruinant
"A progressive brutal death metal band whose style is difficult to put a finger on. They are a four piece, with Steven Booth on guitar, Tom Kelly-Tait on vocals, James Vanner on drums, and Luke McEachern on bass guitar. Always up for an odd-time slam or two, Ruinant have recently played a series of shows around their hometown of Nelson, with one of the latest gigs being cancelled for the music being "too brutal" (true story). They are now based in Wellington, where Luke and James are studying at Victoria University (when they're not frantically practicing their instruments). Laying waste to the mosh pit with their groove infected slams, reminiscent of Dying Fetus with a new school prog influence, they strike forth a level of brutality Wellington has never seen before. With lyrical themes revolving around space, time, geometry and the classic surgical gore, they hope to usher in a new brand of technical brutal death metal."
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9:01 AM
Saturday, August 02, 2014
Al Goregrind - Asses
Full-length, Self-Released
August 1st, 2014
1. Machine Buttfucked
2. Doing Anal For The Sole Purpose Of Procreation With A Mustache Dick
3. Asscrew For Pinhead
4. Asswalk
5. ASS
6. Psychedelic Fart Symphony
7. Gluteus Maximus
8. Spaceship Buttlactica
9. Hornfucked By Satan
10. Smashed By Ass
11. Arms In The Pink Legs In The Stink
12. Where Death Lives
Origin: Froschhausen, Germany
Genre: Goregrind/Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/algoregrind
Sick, 5-piece goregrind act with debut full-length release.
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2:34 AM
Boddicker - Crime Upheaval
Full-length, Self-Released
June 12th, 2014
1. Crime Upheaval
2. Rise Of The Downtrodden
3. Halo Of Bullets
4. Bath Salt Baptism
5. Vigilante
6. Executive Decision
7. The Isolationist
8. Drygulch
9. Social Control
10. We Are Watching You
11. Energy Blackmail
12. Brand New God (Danzig cover)
Origin: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Genre: Grindcore/Crust
Website: www.facebook.com/boddicker13
"We're Boddicker from Indianapolis, IN. We formed in 2012 and named ourselves after Clarence Boddicker, the arch villain from Robocop. We felt this a fitting monicker because the character Boddicker is an uncompromising, cold-blooded criminal and killer, and we wanted our music to represent the same characteristics.
Our influences range the gamut of 80's UK grind and crust, old school death metal, New York, Scandinavian, and Japanese hardcore, Slap a Ham era powerviolence, Eyehategod, and everything Glenn Danzig did in between 1976 and 1994. As well as crime, anarchy, and disruption of the status quo.
Here are some quotes from write ups we have received:
"..complete and utter filth.."- Terrorizer Magazine
"this is ugly and fantastic guttural blasting madness"- Maximum Rock 'n' Roll
"this is sick and sonically nauseous"- crust-demos.blogspot.com
"a fucking giant stomp of rawness to your skull"- Cvlt Nation
"a scathing, venomous, ultra brutal listen"- the elementary revolt
"Boddicker is here and they will fuck you up!"- Flemming Gabin
"Every song on 'False Flag' moves like a liquor store pick-up with a Marvin Harrison pistol whip"- Shattered Knee"
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Posted by
2:33 AM
Monday, July 07, 2014
Venomous Breath - Promo
Demo, Self-Released
June 28th, 2014
1. Domus Mortem
2. Banished From Heaven
3. Empty Life
Origin: Campina Grande, Brazil
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/v.breath
"Venomous Breath comes in 2011 with the purpose of evoking the message immortalized by ancient demons. Under this objective, the band fused diverse influences, based on old school style, with fast tempos, lurid passages and severe tuning, which can be easily sent to names like Autopsy, Nihilist, Master and Benediction."
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Posted by
11:45 AM
SemiDeus - Fractal Catharsis
EP, Self-Released
July 2014
1. Sapphire
2. No Patience For Cowardice
3. Sensory Serenity
Origin: Dewsbury, UK
Genre: Death/Black Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/SemiDeusMetal
Debut EP of SemiDeus, a death/black metal band from the Leeds area in the UK. Formed early 2014 and include members from disbanded Leeds metal band Pillars of Heresy and current members of psychedelic stoner band Formes.
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11:45 AM
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Shroud - This Is Not For You
Demo, Self-Released
May 23rd, 2014
1. Abuser//Abusee
2. Cocaine Wraith
3. Kick-Ass Drug Dealer
4. Suicide
Origin: Boston, MA, USA
Genre: Death/Grind
Website: www.facebook.com/shroudma
"MA based unapologetic filthy grind and death, drawing influence from the shameless, depraved fucks we know and are."
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Posted by
9:49 AM
Castle Freak - Still Rotting
EP, Self-Released
June 28th, 2014
1. Beneath These Streets
2. Sickening Corpses
3. Sherm
4. Caught in a Casket
5. Rotting
Origin: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore
Website: www.facebook.com/CastleFreakPhilly
Grinding Death/Punk from the rotten suburbs of Philadelphia with debut EP.
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9:49 AM
Friday, June 27, 2014
Vomitfication - Sexual Demoniac Invocation
Demo, Self-Released
1. Sexual Demoniac Invocation
2. Morbid Penetration in a Sick Reality
3. Putrid Infection, Cadaveric Infestation
4. Necrokult
5. In the Name of the Real One
Origin: Dois Vizinhos, Brazil
Genre: Death/Grind
Website: www.facebook.com/vomitfication
Brazilian brutal trio with 3rd demo release.
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12:10 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Disinterred - Incantation [promo]
Promo, None
June 2014
1. Sacrifice
2. Boundless Cruelty
Origin: Genk, Belgium
Genre: Death Metal
Websites: www.facebook.com/Disinterred
Two promo trax from 'Incantation' 7" release of Belgian death metal act - Disinterred. Check'em out and don't forget to purchase that gem via band's bigcartel page!
Also their previous work can be found here.
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Posted by
7:45 AM
As They Dilapidate / Severity - Slamming Through World's Frustrations / Alienated Insanity
Split, Self-Released
April 2014
1. As They Dilapidate - Conflictual Areas Of Human Instincts
2. As They Dilapidate - Pestilency Of Inhumanic Anger
3. As They Dilapidate - Dispersion of Excremental Feces
4. As They Dilapidate - Demonological Deeds
5. Severity - ...So It Begins
6. Severity - The Age Of A Dying World
7. Severity - Blackened Skies
Origin: Philippines/Belize
Genre: Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Websites: www.facebook.com/pages/As-They-Dilapidate
Sick slamming co-op from Philippines and Belize!
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3:37 AM
Remains - Angels Burned [promo]
Promo, None
April 2014
1. Angels Burned
2. Dark Entities
3. Archaic Demons
4. Black Fire
Origin: Mexico City, Mexico
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/RemainsDeathMetal
4 promo trax from new Remains album. Top notch Mexican death metal, full album now available via Ablaze Productions.
Also their previous EP can be found here.
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Posted by
3:08 AM
Celebrate Hate - Nordhessisch Noise Terror
Demo, Self-Released
May 2nd, 2013
1. Kotnascher
2. Doomsday Technology
3. Automaten auf den Augen
4. Beaten into Peace
5. Kadavertango
6. Alles eine Frage der Finanzierung
7. Abhorrent Thoughts
Origin: Bebra, Germany
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/pages/CELEBRATE-HATE
"CELEBRATE HATE is a Death Metal band from northern Hesse, Germany. Founded in 1999, they play fast, yet groovy Death Metal with big Grindcore and Thrash Metal influences.
Lyrical topics are the bright sides of life and death and the evils brought upon mankind by society, technology, politics, war and defecation."
Mediafire link
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2:33 AM
Verted - Verted
EP, Self-Released
April 23rd, 2014
1. Intro
2. Oblivion
3. Trituration
4. No Eye Open...
5. ...to Weep for the Dead
Origin: Rijeka, Croatia
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/Vertedmetal
"Verted is a solo death metal band from Croatia formed in 2013. Fronted by Matija Malatestinic, Verted delivers a progressive death metal surge that enchains eardrums."
Mediafire link
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2:12 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Sentience - Beyond The Curse Of Death
Demo, Self-Released
March 27th, 2014
1. Beyond The Curse Of Death
2. Dusk
3. Beneath A Bleeding Moon
Origin: Woodland Park, NJ, USA
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/sentiencedeathmetal
"Sentience is a death metal band from Woodland Park, New Jersey formed in 2014 by guitarist/vocalist Matt Moliti (ex-Dark Empire). The vision behind Sentience is to play classic early 90’s style SweDeath with a strong emphasis on great songwriting and musicianship.
Don’t let the location of origin fool you, Sentience’s new demo 'Beyond the Curse of Death' is so authentic, it led Swedish Death Metal mastermind Dan Swanö (ex-Edge of Sanity, ex-Bloodbath) to remark "One of the best SweDeath projects I have come across in the last 20 years. The perfect blend of all the highlights from the Swedish scene from 89 to 91. Truly awesome!""
Mediafire link
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11:58 AM
Crimson Milk - Dienasty
Demo, Hylopathic Productions
April 4th, 2014
1. Grigory
2. Salvation
3. Gluttonous Imperversity
4. Standing in Fire
Origin: Morgantown, WV, USA
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/hylopathic
"This final demo from Crimson Milk is based on an interpretation of the ideology of the Khlysty sect of the Russian Orthodox Church. It explores the aesthetics of sin through the lens of the wandering cleric Grigori Rasputin."
Their previous release can be found here.
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Posted by
11:41 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Eaten - Depraved
EP, Self-released
February 11th, 2014
1. Slave Species
2. Perish
3. Lunacy
4. Chaos Coffin
5. Flesh Idol
6. Cryptic Genocide
7. Abrupt Decline
8. Evolving Infection
9. Wolf Bite
10. Entombed in Failure
11. Mutual Devastation Pattern
12. Faceless
Origin: Worcester/Cape Cod, MA, USA
Genre: Grindcore
Website: www.facebook.com/Eaten
"These Masshole grinders remember an age, pre-Nasum, when the blasting blur of Brutal Truth and Assück conducted the symphonies of sickness. Like those grind gods, Eaten's shape isn't sharp, it doesn't cut through flesh with dissonant scalpels. Depraved sounds round, smashing faces like a sledgehammer or crushing toes when it rolls over the square hole. It's all wonderful herks and jerks and lurches, as if the collective collectively tossed their tools into the machine and watched industry eat itself alive."
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12:39 PM
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Apocrophex - Wheels Within Wheels
EP, Manicidic Records
February 18th, 2014
1. Wheels Within Wheels
2. Halos Of Light
Origin: New Jersey, US
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/apocrophex
2-piece technical death metal act with debut EP. Check'em out!
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12:18 PM
Ziege Schwänze - Fuckin' Dead
EP, Self-released
1. Grammas Fuckin' Dead
2. Dissection Of You
3. Raped In Hell (Again)
Origin: Kelowna, Canada
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/ziegeschwanze
"We are a small metal band from Kelowna. We have been working really hard to produce an EP, despite being dead broke. Although it won't, stop us because we are determined to make great music, and play it.
Some of our influences include Mastodon, Immortal, Mayhem, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, and Gojira."
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12:07 PM
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Cygnium - Bestial Vengeance
Demo, Self-released
February 2014
1. Tool Of Torture
2. Bestial Vengeance
3. Meat Is What I Need
4. Lacerate Her
Origin: Hamm, Germany
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/pages/Cygnium
2-piece act with second demo release.
Mediafire link
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12:58 PM
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Torturerama - It Begins At Birth
EP, Self-released
January 2014
1. Sheppard Of A Secret Realm
2. Territorial Darkness
3. Necromantical Tendencie
4. Flesh Ripping Sounds
Origin: Bilzen, Belgium
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/Torturerama
"Influenced by early 90's death metal bands such as Nihilist, Autopsy, Carnage... Torturerama describes their music as 'macabre soul tearing metal of death'. Some pure flesh ripping madness for your ears, second mini release on tape and limited to 100 copies."
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9:24 AM
Monday, February 10, 2014
Monumentomb - Ritual Exhumation
EP, Self-released
February 7th, 2014
1. Intro
2. Ritual Exhumation
3. In the Crypt Devoured
4. Perennial Interment
5. Perpetual Execution Torment
6. Citadel of the Living Dead
Origin: Maidstone, UK
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/Monumentombofficial
"Forged from fire, death and alcohol in May 2013. Hailing from Maidstone in Kent.
Being huge fans of Old-School British and Scandinavian Death Metal such as Grave, Dismember, early Entombed, Carnage, Unleashed, Bolt Thrower and Carcass. This defines the modern take with an Old-School formula."
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1:49 AM
Saturday, February 01, 2014
Brewed & Canned - Execute The Innocent [promo]
Promo, None
February 1st, 2014
1. Multiple Bone Injection
Origin: Vienna, Austria
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/brewedandcanned
"BREWED AND CANNED claims to be Vienna's only true death metal band. We claim, they're the only true death metal act at all showing balls in fuckin' pseudo hipster/sissy anyway metalcore Austria. Maybe that is why it took one and a half decades for the band to be signed by the German metal label BLACKSMITH RECORDS to unleash their genius.
This band is technically extremely experienced, very personable and the sound is brute. This band is absolutely underrated, they have been ignored for no reason! EXECUTE THE INNOCENT, the upcoming 35 minutes debut album is their Antwort! FUCK YOU CUNT! If you dare, bring a shit load of beer to a concert and ask for their story. The story of a band, that stayed true all life long and is ready now to strike back."
Pre-orders available soon on Blacksmith Records, street date: April 2014.
Mediafire link
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6:15 AM
Friday, January 31, 2014
Ischemic - Frigid Descent
Full-length, Self-released
October 1st, 2013
1. Life... the Heaviest of Burdens
2. Crawl Out Of Hell
3. Interlude I
4. Cerebral Pestilence
5. Interlude II
6. Frigid Descent
Origin: Toronto, Canada
Genre: Death/Doom Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/Ischemic
"Crushing beats as two guitarists and bass engulf us in raw aggression. Drums as clear as winter sun. Vocals of a demonic violation builds the character of Ischemic. Front woman Isabelle had no problem getting down off the stage in our faces shoving them to provoke movement and remind Toronto metal heads they are at a concert. Ischemic’s live performance is energized through offensive attacks of death metal living up to their claimed genres."
Mediafire link
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12:36 PM
Death Suppressor - That Very First Drink
Demo, Self-Released
January 2014
1. Insect Feast
2. Chocolate Ice Cream and Roofies
3. Zombie Apocalypse (Mortician cover)
4. Consejos Narcos (Brujeria cover)
5. Dick Ripper
6. El Cristo Negro
Origin: Benque Viejo, Belize
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore
Website: www.facebook.com/pages/Death-Suppressor
"When people think of Belize they think of peace, tranquility, relaxation but for those who think Belize is a land of reggae and Caribbean music they’re sadly mistaken. Something wretched, perverted and stinking of booze lurks the dark corners of the country. Hailing from the town of Benque Viejo the three piece Deathgrind outfit Death Suppressor formed in 2012 and has since begin a ruthless takeover of both the Belizean Metal Scene and the Southern Mexican Metal Scene. This band shows how when you need to rock you need to rock, having no drummer and using free backing tracks found on Youtube done by John Page they sculpted a sound all their own. The bass lines and guitar work that gets under your skin and lays eggs by the thousands until you die shows the versatility of the musical mastermind Jose Blanco. Then the gates of hell seem to open when singer Jp Kristov vomits forth vocals that would make Will Rahmer proud. Together these two built what is undoubtedly the heaviest band in the county. Teaming up with guitarist Luis Manzanero in 2013, their live performances start a pit immediately. Without a doubt these boys will one day fly high. Fans of Cryptopsy, Mortician, Devourment, Rotting Decay, Decrepit Birth, Putridity check these drunkards out."
Mediafire link
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12:35 PM
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Dissouled - Inject The Grind-Cure
Full-length, 666 Records
June 28th, 2013
1. iCore
2. Success Becomes the Norm
3. Hopping Around the Green Space
4. A Schoolbag Full of Grindcore
5. Phallometric Frenzy
6. Rancid Birds, Rancid Bees
7. Schmutzichputzichnich
8. Complete Rectal Prolapse (Regurgitate cover)
9. Pulled Out Picket Coloured Brown
10. Wobbling Execration
11. An Alcoholic Ape (Paroxysm cover)
12. Yum! Yum! Yum!
Origin: Wolfsburg, Germany
Genre: Grindcore
Website: www.facebook.com/Dissouled
Latest album of German maniacs. Old school death metal with grindcore-flair and a bit of goregrind.
Mediafire link
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6:02 AM
Dossier Negro - The Pungent Stench Of Witchcraft
EP, Self-released
January 24th, 2014
1. Deadly Parasites
2. Stagefright
3. Hammer of the Witches
4. Stone Age Tribe
5. Voodoo Rites
Origin: Gijón, Spain
Genre: Death Metal
Website: www.facebook.com/dossiernegro
"Dossier Negro (named after the legendary Spanish horror-comics) will warp you back to 1992 with their primitive grindgore/death metal inspired by legends such as Carcass, Xysma, General Surgery and Impetigo. Sit back and enjoy the gore!
With Gruesome Stuff Relish, Looking For An Answer and Dead Neanderthals members."
Mediafire link
Bandcamp link
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5:55 AM
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Paediatrician - Surgical Excoriation [promo]
Promo, None
December 2013
1. Contaminated Infusion
2. Autopsy Table
Origin: Budapest, Hungary
Genre: Goregrind
Website: www.facebook.com/paediatricianband
2 promotional tracks from Paediatrician, coming from the Hungarian goregrinders' second full-length album, 'Surgical Excoriation'. The CD contains 16 brand new songs of unrelenting sonic massacre. Released by Anopsys Records, the album is out in December 2013, with cover artwork created by Mottla Brutal Art.
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Posted by
4:07 AM