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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Hostage Of Fate - At First, Man Tried To Create God​.​.​.​ And He Succeeded

Full-length, Self-released
March 5th, 2013

1. Hostage of Fate
2. Nothing Will Remain
3. When Man Decides War
4. Mental Malfunctions
5. Images
6. In Your Darkest Hour
7. At the End, God Refused to Die

Origin: Rhodes, Greece
Genre: Death/Thrash Metal
Website: www.hostageoffate.com

Full-length debut of Greek 2-piece act.

Mediafire link

Originally uploaded by rot

This material has been uploaded with the permission of the band. Please do post your comments below.


Anonymous said...

Singer's voice is like Chuck Schuldiner!

EVILVENGEANCE666420 said...

I dig this album for sure, and I will be writing up a review on it.