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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gangrena - The Zombie Survival Society

Full-length, Self-released

1. Extinction Of Grotesque Humanity
2. The Zombie Survival Society (ft. Caín from Svin Killer)
3. Unappeasable Hunger For Living Flesh (ft. Mai from Grave Grinder)
4. No Salvation (ft. Christine P. Newman from Pyrrah)
5. Mortuary Horror (ft. Dr. Obn from Panchreatocholectomy)
6. Zombie Grinder Machine (ft. Sebas Gore from Coprocefalia)
7. Fleshwarper Marionette (ft. Rot Screwrot from Morbid Crucifixion)
8. Cult Of The Hungry Assassin (ft. Juan A Leohn from Digging Your Tomb)
9. Outro (ft. Beast Butcher from Satanic Butcher)
10. Consequence (Ulcerous Phlegm cover)

Origin: Coacalco, México
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Website: www.myspace.com/gangrenainfected

New, full release from brutal Mexican trio featuring many guests.

Mediafire link

Originally uploaded by rot

This material has been uploaded with the permission of the band. The band would love to hear your rating of the material so please give this a rating (below the post) after you listen to it. And if you can add your comments that would be great!

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